
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It Begins...

Ah, yes.  The shopping season has begun in full swing now.  Christmas is right around the corner and everyone is out and about getting what they need for it.  Black Friday, I guess, was CRAZY!  Me, I stayed home and didn't do anything, well I did put up the Christmas things.  Our little tree looks so cute.  Nadia loves to just sit in her swing and start at the lights on the tree.
  I will not go out on Black Friday.  People are wayyy to crazy. 
I saw people fighting for an XBOX 360 at Walmart on the News and told myself, I will never be like that ever. 
Yes, I like a good bargain but I will not go out and deal with that madness. 


Well my Thanksgiving was decent.  We spent it at Stephen's parents house.  We went over there and watched the Packers kill the Lions.  It was a close game there for a min but they beat em.  We are now 11-0.  Still UNDEFEATED!


Now we are just sitting around and watching the world go by.  The cold weather is in full swing here in WI.  The low tonight is in the 20s and the high was in the 30s.  yulp, time to get out the winter clothes and space heaters! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey Yall!  Its been so long since I have wrote a blog about anything.  I have been so busy with Nadia and trying to get the house back to normal that I have no free time.  The free time I do have is for sleeping and when Im not sleeping then I am taking care of the baby. 

It's Thanksgiving!  So, I thought that I would write and tell everyone what I am thankful for.

1.  I am Thankful for the roof over my head.
2.  I am Thankful for the food in my belly because there are people out there that don't have that.
3.  I am Thankful for the car that drives.  It may not run great but its still working.
4.  I am Thankful for the meds that I take everyday to help me feel better and the doctors that help me along the way also.
5.  I am Thankful for the few friends that I have.  I love you all and wish you Blessings.
6.  I am Thankful for Stephen.   Without him I wouldn't have a lot of the things that I cherish.
7.  Last and formost I am Thankful for my Daughters and my Family.  I miss you all very much and I wish my Family the biggest Blessings out there. 

I hope that everyone has a great and fun day!  


Another thing.  My Cousin Over at My Discovered Thoughts is having as Contest for the sweetest looking Felt Buddy!  Click that Link above and go and ENTER today!  :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Felt Buddy Contest!

Hey Everyone!  

My Lovely cousin Nikki over at My Discovered Thoughts is having a contest for the cutest felt Buddy EVER!  So yall should click on the Link above and go and ENTER today!  

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL holiday weekend!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Starting New.

Today is the 12th of November and the first day of a new kind of life for me.  I started my medication today.  I am going to stick with this kind.  It doesnt make me like a zombie and gives me energy.  It doesn't make me feel sick either.  I am less grouchy and seem to be in a better mood today.  I know that it is going to take a few weeks for it to really kick in but I can already feel it working.  I have been really down and out of it for such a long time that i think that is all that I have known.  So with this med that im taking its making me feel it fast. 
just being cute

Well,  Nadia had her first taste of that rice cereal.  She was having a hard time eating it.  I made it like a whole milk type.  She only ate 3 ounces of it tho, so i am hoping that she is full.  She hasn't been fussy about being hungry but lets just see.  
Its Saturday and we stayed home today and watched college football all day.  Now I'm watching TCN.  Its a Country Music station that plays music videos 24/7.  Literally.  I made a HUGE thing of Nachos for Stephen and I to eat tonight.  I felt like nachos so we had nachos lol.  We couldn't finsh em either.  We only got half way thru them and we were both stuffed! lol.  They sure were good as hell tho.
Tomorrow is Sunday and we aren't doing anything either but watching some pro football and I will get my paper and clip all the coupons and try to finish laundry!
Yulp we tore that up! lol

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ok, So I have no idea why everyone is all excited about tomorrow.  I think its just another day.  I mean so what its 11/11/11... Tomorrow I have a doctor's appt to see my Psychiatrist.  I hope that they put me on something that is going to help me and not make me feel like a zombie and that isn't going to make me feel sick either.  Not looking forward to it either.  I have to be there at 9 am. Thats to early to be out and about.
Well I got bitched at for adding people on my FB by Stephen.  IDK what his problem is.  He turned off my phone and the cable as well and now he is telling me that I have to walk tomorrow to my doctors appt, we will see how that goes. 
Nadia is doing good.  She turned 2 months old on the 9th (Wednesday)  She is trying to sit up and she is moving around a lot too.  She is also getting to be a chunckster too.  She's been downing a 6 ounce bottle at almost every feeding.  She is also starting to sleep longer! WOOT WOOT!  I'm excited about that. 
Anyways I dont have much to say on here because I guess I am full of drama.. Well Im out for now. 

Yall have a good day.  :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Another week gone by

Well its now Monday the 7th of November.  
The last week has been very hectic and not so grand at all.  Stephen and I had a very big fight which ended in the cable getting turned off and my cell phone being turned off on the 11th.  (bullshit)  Things are still very rocky and I feel as if we are just living together as room mates and nothing more really.  We rarely say I love you nor do we kiss each other often at all.    I was told the only reason I am here is because of Nadia... Not something that makes you feel very welcomed and loved at all.   I was also told to jump off a bridge and also called a lazy fat bitch.. not very nice at all.  
Also my mother,.... I no longer talk to.  I am considered full of 'drama'.  Not something you tell your daughter.  I have always felt a let down to her.  My brothers get more of her attention and things done for them.  I feel as if im not good enough at all... idk.  
I guess im done on here for now..

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well, well..
I didn't get to write all that I wanted to write yesterday because my show was on and I wanted to get off real fast.  Well now I am bored and I thought that I would share some updates with yall that have been going on in my life. 

Starting off Nadia is now 7 weeks old and is getting so big.  She is starting to coo and make all kinds of weird/cute noises.  I just love them.  She can now recognize our voices and when she see's our faces she gets excited and smiles really big.  She has already grown out of some of her clothes.  Sleeping is stil in issue with her.  She still has her days and nights mixed up a little bit.  She is getting better at it and is starting to sleep thru the night a little bit.   Still not all the way tho.  Hopefully she will soon. 

Stephen and I had out first outing the other night by ourselves.  We dropped Nadia off at her Grandparents house and we went to the Casino for the Hunting Moon Pow Wow.  It was a good time.  It was really nice to have that time to ourselves.  We missed Nadia tho.  There were a lot of babies there and it just made us miss her even more.  We got her a baby blanket a shirt from there.  I mean she is our little Indian Doll.  :)
Hunting Moon Pow Wow
Another update that I have to share with yall is that I am finally in Therapy and seeing a psychiatrist.  I started to see them last week and I guess they said that I have severe anxiety and Manic Depression.  Lovely.  I go every week to Therapy,  I am hoping that this is going to help me.  People have told me that I need it.   
Daffodil sleeping weird! haha!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Yes, Halloween!  I love Halloween!  This year was Nadia's first Halloween and she was a bunny!  I went as a pirate and of course Stephen didn't dress up because he is no fun.  Yulp, no fun.  Well since Halloween was on a Monday they had trick or treating on Sunday.  Well we didn't get to do that because it was raining and nasty out.  I really wanted to take her out trick or treating but I guess some things dont work like that.  

Well on saturday night I went out with Carley and Aleah to a bar that they used to go to all the time.  it was really nice to get out of Milwaukee and go to a small town.  It felt great actually.
So we went to a few bars and then at 9:30 this small town out in the middle of nowhere had a Thriller production in the middle of their downtown.  They shut it all down and did Thriller and a couple songs from Rocky Horror Show.  It was AMAZING!  I loved it!  Next year i would love to do it.  I think that it would be a blast.  Carley and Aleah want to do it also.  =]

Anyway,  Stephens birthday was on Saturday as well and I told him that if he wanted to go out that he could but he didn't want to, oh well...
I am going to finish this up because my show is on, Sons of Anarchy!