It is 7 in the morning and I just had some breakfast. Sitting here sipping on some coffee (
something I haven't been able to have during pregnancy). I am up in the hospital right now. Nadia was born on
Sep 9, 2011 at 2:28am at 7lbs 2oz and 19 1/4ins long. She has dark dark hair and A LOT of it as well!
About 10mins after she was born |
She is currently sleeping and being a good baby. She was a little fussy last night, not bad tho. She wasn't screaming or crying, just little whines and whimpers. Everything went fine in the labor department, although I didn't get numb on my left side from the epidural because I went from 3cm to 10cm in like 30mins. I pushed for a good hour to almost 2 hours. She was faced the wrong way and I guess her arm was up by her head, so she was being very stubborn and didn't want to come out. :) We got her out tho. Stephen got to cut the cord and hold her. He is doing extremely well with holding her and he even got to feed her!! She just lays on his bad arm all cuddled up. Its so darn cute!
All snuggled up in Daddys arms trying to eat :) |
Just relaxing :) |
Myself, I am doing ok. I am a little sore and still get a little light headed when I stand to long. I have been so hungry too! I am like dang! I'm not going to like pig out either! I don't wanna gain weight! LOL.
Well I am going to go for now. I just thought that I would do a little post and let everyone know what is going on.
Well I hope that yall have a great weekend!
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