
Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Night

Its a Friday night and Stephen and I have not done a thing.  We have been sitting around and sleeping.  We are both not aloud to be up and moving around.  I am on bedrest til I go into labor (which will be anyday now) and Stephen isn't suppose to be moving around to much because he had surgery on his arm on Wednesday.
The surgery went well and he is still in some pain but the swelling in his hand has gone down a lot since his surgery.  He has to wear the cast/ splint for 2 weeks.  He then will go back in and start his physical therapy.  I am so thankful that workmans comp is paying for all this and 2/3 of his wages.  We could never afford this at all.
I, myself, have been having contractions.  I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 1cm dilated when he checked me.  I am sure that I will go any time now.  I have been having contractions on and off for two days now and they are getting worst.  I do hope she does come soon so I can start to feel like myself and heal up myself so I can take care of Stephen and Nadia without feeling like crap.
Any way.  It has been a week and I will be glad when all this is over and we can start anew.

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