
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well we are currently at the hospital right now.  We got here around 11 30 and have been waiting sicne then for him to go into surgery.  He went back to the O.R. around 2ish.   Now I am in the waiting room and its about to hit 3.  The doctor told us it will take about an hour to an hour and a half for him to reattach the ligament/muscle to his bone.  He will then go into the first half of recovery where he will be watched by a nurse.  After he feels a little better they will take him out of the first half of recovery and put him in the second half where I will be able to be with him and he will be able to get some food and something to drink since he hasnt had anything since 11 last night.  He is probably starved.  The doctor did tell us that he will be in a splint with a type of wrapping for about 2 months. He will also be going thru physical therapy as well so that he can get full use of his arm again. 
I am nervous and scared at the same time.  I am scared that I will go into labor anyday from all the extra stress and worry.  I do how ever have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I will be sure to ask him when he thinks I could go and maybe get a stress test if I can get one this late in the pregnancy.  He could induce me if I am going thru to much stress.  I hope not but yet again I hope he does because I am so done with being pregnant and ready for her to come into this world.  I know that Stephen wont be much help at all and I know that I am going have to take care of him and Nadia along with our new cat Daffodil.  I am already exhausted and worn out from having to run for Stephen everywhere and doing things for him but, you do what you have to do for the ones that you love and I love him and will help him with whatever he needs and wants.  In the end I hope that if something like this happens to me that he will be there to help me out as well.  I know he would. 
Well I am going to head off of here for now and wait for the doctors to come out here and tell me how he is doing and when I can go back and see him. 
Hope yall have a great day.
Ima try my best to have a decent day.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Well we went to the specialist and found out that his arm is alot worst then what we thought that it was.  He has to get Surgery... He goes tomorrow...I am so nervous and scared.  I do hope that everything will be fine and Ok.  Im going to be staying up there with him thru the whole thing.  When he goes in for prep and in the recovery room as well.  He is going to be in a cast for a few months and out of work for the rest of the year at least.  Luckily he will get workmans comp and they are paying for all the medical things as well, so this is a good thing I guess.
Just pray for him people.


Today is the day that Stephen and I head to the specialist for his arm.. I am so nervous about this.. I am hoping that they say he wont need surgery but, its always a possibility.  I really hope and pray that he doesn't have to get it.  The last few days he has been in a lot of pain and has to sleep on the couch and sleep sitting up because his arm hurts him to bad to lay flat, so needless to say we both have been having  a little lack of sleep.  Him, because he has to sleep like that and myself because, I can't sleep alone that great and I sleep in the bed.   I miss sleeping next to my hubbers.  :(

Well as for the pregnancy I am due in 17 days.  I am really hoping that she comes soon!  I am so sore and tired of being pregnant.  I officially can no longer bend over and it hurts to get in and outta bed.  *sigh*

anyways just pray for us.  I do hope things turn out ok...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aug 27th 2011

Well it has been one of those weeks.  It has been up and then it went WAY down.  

I will start with the bad first.
On friday afternoon I was just laying on the couch relaxing and about to take a small nap.  My phone starts to ring and I look and its Stephen.  I answer thinking he is just calling to tell me if I need anything on his way home.  Nope, that is not the case.  First he asks me if I am dressed and took a shower.  I say no why.  What are we going to do.  He then takes a deep breathe and tells me not to freak out.  Well of course when someone tells you not to freak out you basically start to freak out.  He told me that he thinks that he broke his arm at work.  I started to freak out.  I yelled and started to get scared.  He was at work and had the wheel barrel full of concrete and he slipped and fell right on his left arm.  He was taken to the Hospital out where he was working which is like an good hour drive away from our house.  I didn't have the car and I was freaking out and crying.  I had to wait for his friend to come and get me so i could go out to the yard to get the car and then drive all the way out to the hospital where he was.  By the time all that was said and done he was released.  Thank God that he didn't break anything but he did however rip/tear his biceps.  We wont know fully until he goes to a specialist next week sometime, but until then he is out of work and thinks that he will now be going back to work at all for the rest of the year, because by the time that he is healed it will be that time that everyone will be getting laid off.  Needless to say I am stressed and worried about things.  
Nadia will be here anytime now and its just going to be so hard taking care of Stephen and Nadia.  This is the first full day of him being hurt and not being able to do anything and I am exhausted.  I had to do all the running and cleaning.  I feel bad for Stephen tho because he is in so much pain that it is so hard for him to move and do anything.  Just showering is hard for him.  I had to help him with that.  
Its going to be a long fall and rest of the summer.  I just see it now.

Well onto something less depressing.
We adopted a cat named Daffodil on Thursday.  (the day before Stephen got hurt guuuh)
She is one of the sweetest cats that I have had.  She loves to lay on the couch and cuddle with me and Stephen.  Luckily Stephen isn't allergic to her at all.  She is 3 yrs old and is a mix short hair breed.  They call her a Dilute Torti color.  I just love her coloring.  I took her to the vet today to get her wellness checkup and she passed.  Thankfully.  One less thing that I have to worry about.  
sleepy kitty.

Another thing that isn't depressing.  I am officially full term.  If I go into labor now they would not sop it and Nadia will be here.  I am currently 37 weeks and 1 day.  I can feel her moving around and kicking and punching.  I have been having those Braxton hicks contractions and they are getting annoying.   I have had them all day off and on.  Nothing to be concerned about tho.. 
Well not yet at least.  Lets hope that all this stress with Stephen doesn't send me into early labor.
37 weeks even in this photo.

Please pray for us.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Blog Award

So I have been slacking on this Blog Award the last few days!  
But I am so happy that my cousin and great friend over at Simple Sapphire gave me this Award!

The RULES of the AWARD:
The Liebster Award is meant to connect us even more and spotlight NEWER BLOGGERS who have less than 200 followers (but hopefully not for long). The rules are:

1.Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. 

2.Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3.Post the award on your blog.
4.Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the Internet – other writers. 

5.And best of all – have fun and spread the karma! 

Here are my top 5 in no particular order at all.  They are all great blogs and bloggers.

1.  Unborn Art This blog is a great blog that i follow because of its wonderful photography!
2.  Word on the Wind Another great blog and blogger.  Gives you words of our great Lord Almighty.
3.  The Garden of My Life A blog that talks about life and Scrapbooking.  It is my mother but her Scrapbook pages are just wonderful!
4.  My Discovered Thoughts Here she talks about her life, son, etc...
5.  365 of My Life's Garden is another Scrapbook blog that I love and is another one of my mothers.  
I do not have a lot of blogs that i follow that have 200 or less followers but here are the ones that do.  I hope that you enjoy them and check them all out.  
Thank you again Danielle for the award!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Little behind on things.

Well I have been behind on somethings on here on my blog.  I recently received an award from the wonderful Danielle over at Simple Sapphire .  I will post it here sometime today, but right now I am so exhausted that I am going to go and lay back down for a bit.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Very Exciting!

Well today Stephen surprised me by calling me and telling me to get ready that we were going to go look at cats for me to have.  I have been depressed and lonely with him working so late and so long.  I have been saying how much I have been wanting a cat or some kind of pet to keep me company and to cuddle with at night and when he isnt home.  Well we went to the Elmbrook Humane Society to look at cats because cats are cheaper and are very easy to take care of and can cuddle with you on the couch easier then a dog can, so we went to look.  I fell in love with a cat named Fluffy.  She reminded me of my former cat that was at my parents house named Belle.  She was a different color but, her attitude was the same.  Unfortunately there was a couple that got to her before we did.  I wanted to still take a look at her so we did.  We also looked at a cat named Clemintine that reminded me of Neo because she had that sassy attitude that Neo can have but, we looked at a gorgeous cat named Daffodil.  She is a dilute torti mix breed cat.  Very loving and curious.  She is 3 years old and such a doll.  I can't wait to get her tomorrow.  We will pick her up when the Humane society calls us and sets a time to come and get her.   I am just so excited about this.  I have the best fiance anyone could ask for.  He is very allergic to cats and he is doing this for me to make me happy.  I am just so grateful to have him in my life.  He also said that he will clean the cat box for me until Nadia comes so I don't have to, because pregnant women aren't suppose to be around it.  He is the best.  I love him.  
Well here is a few photos of Daffodil
 I cant wait!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

36 weeks and 2 days

Today is Sunday and I am 36 weeks and 2 days.  I am so ready to have this child.  I am getting really sore and having pressure on my bladder all the time now.  I feel like I have to pee just about ever 2 hours. 
36 weeks and 2 days

We went to see Harry Potter last night and I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I could no longer hold it, so i had to get up in one of the most important parts and run to the bathroom.  I seriously hate it.  I just hope that she comes soon.  Next week I will 37 weeks and to doctors now that is a full term baby.  Some doctors induce their patients around that time if the baby is to big and if they are in a lot of pain.  Idk if he will do that to me since I have been in a lot of pain.  We will see tomorrow when I head to the doctor.
After tomorrow I will be going to the docs ever week.  It does mean that i am in the last leg of it.  We still need to get a car seat and I pray that Stephen gets his unemployment check this week. 
He has been laid off yet again this week and he thinks that he will be laid off again this upcoming week, depending on the job... Lovely...
Im so stressed about it.
So is life tho..

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stocking Up!

Yes, it is that time of the year where its time to buy veggies and fruit and preserve them or freeze them for the winter time!  Well Stephen and I went to the Farmers Market again and stocked up on Corn, green beans and blueberries =]  I cleaned and cooked the corn, cleaned the blueberries and froze them and did the same with the beans.  woot woot.  So now my freezer is full of veggies and some blueberries.  I think next week we will go and get some more blueberries or maybe even peaches.  hmm Im not sure yet.  We need some more beans tho. 
Blueberries mm =]
The blueberries where very good and some where so huge! woohoo!!
sweet corn =]
The corn was really good.  I fixed some of it one night for dinner.  I still wish I could get my hands on some Indiana Sweet corn from back home.  I love it.  Well we are good for now.

Oh I also got most of the Nursery done.  I got all the clothes organized and the crib together with a cute wall decal of a tree.  I just need to get some shelves so that I can put some of the things on them so they aren't sitting out on the dresser. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Shower

Diaper Cake!

Well since I didnt post photos from the Baby Shower yesterday I'd figure  I would post them here.  =]
Enjoy them =]
Sitting on the porch eatting some food =]
Playing some games
Opening some presents.  That is Sophia helping me.  (Stephens 2nd cousin)
Some of the presents after we got home hah
Hah Stephens diaper changing kit!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ello Poppets

Well I didn't post this weekend.  Sorry for that.  Today was the baby shower that Stephens mother threw for us.  It was all his family and a few family friends.  My mother and grandma couldn't make it due to some situations.  I totally understood and wasn't sad about it.  Well we had a good time and got a lot of good things for Ms. Nadia.  I am tired and sore.  My back is really killing me and I have had to stop what I was doing so I could lay down and put my feet up so my back would stop hurting.  Well its not really helping so here in a min I will more then likely go and take some meds my doc gave to me for it. 

I am wired tho.


I am currently watching a sweet show on National Geographic channel called Witnessed : Tornado Swarm 2011.  It shows what people have taped on their video cameras and or phones of the tornadoes that went thru.  Its horrible to see these.  Right now its showing the Tuscaloosa and its so sad to see what they went through and to see all the devastation.  =[

Friday, August 12, 2011

35 weeks

35 weeks even in this photo!  I am so ready to have her and see her.  I so hope she has Stephens eyes and skin tone!  


Yesterday was a day of frustration.  I was having a really bad day.  First the toilet broke and I couldn't get it fixed myself, then i was getting very upset over the dryer not working right and not warming up to dry the clothes.  It still dried the clothes but it takes twice as long.  Then i was trying to put the crib together and when I was trying to do that my engagement ring broke and the jewel fell out.  I called up Stephen at work bawling my eyes out because I couldn't take it anymore. 

He actually came home early (about 1pm) and took me out of the house to get some fresh air in the dump truck that he was driving.  We dropped off the truck and got the car.  We then went to Cricket to see about new prepaid phones that will be cheaper then what we are paying now with Us Cellular.  Stephen and I talked to the guy and we figured it out, that if we get those phones through them we will be saving 80 or more bucks a month. Woohoo!   After we left the phone shop we went to the Farmers Market in West Allis (down the street).  It was really neat.  They had all kinds of veggies that I haven't seen before and everything is locally grown.  We got some herbs and some HUGE sweet corn on the cob.  The lady that we bought the herbs from even gave us an  extra plant for free!  She was so nice!.  
After that we had to run to Menards to get some little pots and potting soil so that I could put my herbs in.  Stephen even told me to pick out a flower plant to put in one of my huge pots that I have.  I picked out some yellowish-red fall mums.  They are very pretty and full. 
We got home and I planted them and watered them and then I took a shower and relaxed before i started dinner.  All in all I was having a crappy day but, Stephen made it better with his humor and just his loving nature.  He did fix the toilet and my ring.  He told me that we will get the dryer fixed in the next few weeks.  The crib he can get done in less then an hour.  
Well I hope that everyone has a Wonderful weekend!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Sunday.. ahh.  Nascar and laziness.  Yes that is my day.  Well this whole weekend has been like this.  I didn't get any sleep last night yet again.  I believe it was 6 30 in the morning when i finally got to sleep.  I was woken up at 10 30am due to Stephens alarm going off.  I was not happy about that because I couldn't get back to sleep.  It took me so long to get to sleep and I was in a good one and it got disturbed.  Oh well I guess.

I took a nap.

Well we haven't done anything at all today but go get some ham and rolls at the local bakery and a paper so i can get my coupons out of the paper.  I have been very zombie like today.  I haven't felt like doing anything.  No cleaning, no cooking, nothing.  How ever I HAVE to do some laundry because we have so much to do because, if I don't do it, it wont get done.  Just like everything else.  O well i guess.

I have a doctors appt tomorrow.  I am 34 weeks and I think that I will start going every week now.  I am so ready for her to be here so I can have my body back.  I am so sore and just tired of feeling like this.  I am about to go nuts with everything.  My mom and Lilly will be here next weekend and I feel like the place isn't clean because I can't really get up and do to much with all the chemicals and me suppose to be off my feet as much as I can.  IDK.  I'm just stressed out. 

Stephen has been sick all weekend and I have been feeling very lonely and like I am here alone but I'm not.  He has been on his computer all weekend and hasn't really spent anytime with me.  :(  It has made me feel very unloved and lonely.  He didn't work on Friday and got off really really early on Thursday.  We are hoping that he gets called in tomorrow but we have no  idea what is going to go on with it.  I hope he doesn't get laid off because we can't afford it especially with Nadia going to be here in like a month.. I worry so much about losing the apt but, Stephen says that we wont because of our landlord being really understanding and knowing him since Stephen was just a baby.  Lets hope.  Thats all I can say....

Well I am off of here for now.  Going to finish watching my race.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Nights.

Thursday,  Oh what a boring and lame day this is.  I do hate Thursdays.  They are boring and seem to take forever to get over.   I really haven't done anything today but laundry and clean the kitchen a little bit.  Stephen got home around noon and doesn't work tomorrow.  Not good.  Im still stressing over this.  On top of that he is coughing shit up and has bad congestion in his chest and his nose is all stuffed up.  Needless to say he feels like poo.  It is probably from when he came home that one day soaked from head to toe with water.  That was a horrible day.  He got into it with a co worker and something went wrong at the job site and he had to jump in the hole and try to fix it with all the water coming out.  He told me that and I got really scared because that is how my father passed away.  Stephen told me he was sorry but that is how he is, when something goes wrong he jumps in right away to fix it.  *sigh*. 

Anywho.  We had the tour of the Birth Center yesterday.  The hospital is pretty and all but, it is really weird for me.  When I had my other two I was in one room the whole time and didn't have to move and the rooms had a fridge and were huge.  Here at this hospital we labor and deliver in one room and then after you deliver and recover a little bit they move you up to the next floor where you will stay 2-4 days depending on how you feel.  They have a nice nursery and all the staff is really really friendly and knowledgeable.  They even have a whirlpool rooms there that you can go into while you are in labor to relax.  I thought that was really nice and cool.  I probably won't use them because as soon as I can I will get the Epideral.  Stephen will get a pulled out couch to sleep on for when he stays with me.  Hell he might even just lay in the bed with me during the day to cuddle and just be close.

oh well,  I guess that everything will be alright in the end. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

If its not one thing, Its another thing...

I got a call this afternoon from my love Stephen.  He had some not so great news for me today.  He will more then likely will have to find another job.  There is no more work for the company that he works for to do, so by the end of the month or next month he will be laid off.  Great.  Nadia will be here around that time and now he is going to lose his job.  He will get unemployment but, that isn't going to get us through the winter time with a newborn and pay the bills.  Looks like I will have to get another job this winter when I didn't want too.  I was told I was going to stay home with Nadia and take care of her and the house but that is not looking like it is going to happen.  Its just our luck that this has happened at this time.  Im so stressed out right now about this.  We already live paycheck to paycheck with our bills and rent.  Now with a baby on the way and having to buy diapers, clothes, formula, and wipes.  Guh. 
This always seems to happen. 

Something good comes along and then something more horrible comes around.

So stressed out....